Welcome to my website and blog. I’m just starting out so bare with me as I keep developing my site. I am currently in the process of creating my business and honing my writing skills. I want to share my vision and purpose as well as some background about myself.
A Little About Me
I like to think of myself as a renaissance woman (I know vain right?). I have a lot of random talents, and I seem to forget about them sometimes. I am a DPT by trade, but I also play violin, viola, and piano. I’ve even done some teaching on the side for family and friend’s kids. I obtained my private’s Pilot’s license before I went to college, but personally haven’t been pilot in command in awhile (I let my husband do that). I completed the 2014 Boston Marathon last year, as well as my first sprint Triathlon. I love my road bike, and hope to do more biking once its not snowing so much. I’ve recently gotten into a more Paleo lifestyle, though on and off it depending on the week, but baby steps right?

My Vision
My name is Natasha and I’m passionate about being a physical therapist and the profession. Unfortunately the way our healthcare system is designed most people come to see me once an ailment has set in for far longer than it should have. I envision that someday people will start seeing their PT as they would their dentist. Come see us for your regular tune-up for your whole body. I’ve helped people change their environment to prevent further injury, and improve alignment. I hope that with this blog I can help you do the same, and know where to go when things do go wrong. What I also truly hope I will be able to provide others are the resources to help themselves and inspire people to move. No one’s perfect, so don’t think you have to be an athlete to get moving. I love the baby steps approach, we’re all a work in progress. I’m not going to be showing you me lifting or doing other crazy athletics, I’m not that kind of person. I want to be realistic, provide the resources that others have found to be helpful, and maybe some of you can teach me as well.
I love teaching others about exercise, health, and recently have been getting more involved with food coaching. I’m hoping that I will be able to be that PT who can treat the entire person, instead of just a single diagnosis.
Going Forward
I hope that I can help you, and that you can help me with any requests, feedback, and recommendations that you may have. I’m hoping to be have things more updated about what I’ll be providing, but for now I’m just taking the leap to get things started. Thanks in advance for your feedback and patience.
Natasha, DPT