Chronic Pain Management

Patients with EDS often have chronic pain that appears early on and might manifest as severe pain. People suffering from EDS may suffer from muscle weakness, improper movements, joint pain, stomach pain, and more. With physical therapy, we can help treat the cause of the pain. For example, treating joint pain as a result of joints coming out of position to help lower the sensation of pain throughout the body. At Inspire Motion, we use a variety of techniques, including physiotherapy and behavioral adaptation, to manage the pain.
If you have fibromyalgia, it’s likely you suffer from chronic pain. Physical therapy can help teach you the skills to help relieve pain and stiffness in everyday life. At Inspire Motion, we’ll help you to build strength, improve range of motion, and relieve deep muscle pain. In addition, our techniques can teach people living with fibromyalgia to make self-management decisions to prevent future pain and flare-ups. As a licensed physical therapist, I can help develop specific stretching and strengthening plans to meet individual needs for fibromyalgia patients.
Physical therapy can help manage many of the symptoms associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. At Inspire Motion, we work with you to develop a custom treatment plan tailored to your pain points and symptoms to ease your discomfort and pain and help improve your ability to perform day-to-day activities. Treatment might include education and preventative techniques, movement and strengthening exercises, and manual, hands-on therapy to ease symptoms.
Most cases of tendonitis happen when tendons in your knees, shoulders, elbows, or wrists are inflamed or irritated. Physical therapy can successfully treat tendonitis and help relieve the pain. Manual therapy and eccentric strengthening can be an effective way to treat chronic pain as a result of tendonitis. Some cases may also require Dry Needling, which can alleviate muscle tightness. Another element of tendonitis physical therapy: education, to help prevent future strain and pressure during day-to-day activities.
Sacroiliac joint, or SIJ dysfunction, can develop at any age and cause part of your back to feel stiff. As movement experts here at Inspire Motion, we work with you to create a hands-on plan to treat your pain and restore strength and function. With this plan, we can help you work towards safely returning to day-to-day activities. A successful treatment plan will help patients identify and change outside factors contributing to pain as well as altering up the type and quantity of exercises you perform. We may also suggest braces to regain strength and more hands-on manual therapy techniques to correct SI dysfunction. Functional training will help those suffering to return to normal levels of activities.